Wiley G. Clarkson, Architect
Corsicana: June 1908 to Dec. 1911
Fort Worth: Jan. 1912 to May 5, 1952
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Cleburne and Johnson County, Texas
Yellow Jacket Stadium
(Letter to a client)
Also known as "the Rock", it is located on West Henderson St.
It was designed by my Clarkson and built in 1938 while he was the chief architect in
charge of federal projects.
Johnson County Jail
116 South Mill Street
Located two blocks southwest of the courthouse square, it is no longer in use as the county jail and is in need of repair. The jail has been on the open market and may have been privately purchased in 2017 or 2018.
Community School for Negros (Shelf 5 #550)
100 Mansfield Rd, Cleburne, TX 76031
After meeting with the historian of the Cleburne ISD for a couple of hours one day two years ago trying to chase out this school, it became apparent that this school was no longer extant. No one seemed to know which school this actually was but during the time of discussing the possibilities, a secretary pulled out the archived contracts for one year and was able to locate the original contract for this school. Clarkson's records show he was paid $23,000.00 by the Cleburne ISD for Community School. On Tuesday, Dec 27, 1955 in the Corpus Christi Times newspaper about the school ran an article about Cleburne and the school. The article named the school that burned as the Booker T Washington Public School and described it as having all grades for the Negro Community. The original school building apparently suffered from a 1950 fire and was rebuilt. The school that replaced the original Community School for Negroes that was apparently renamed to the Booker T Washing Public School was rebuilt again as a much more modern building. It is possible that the original Booker T Washington school may have been the Community School for Negroes. As of this time, no surviving photos of the original school building have been located. The original Community School was built in 1904 as a high school. Schools were completely segregated during this time frame. In approximately 1930, the school was apparently replaced by the school Clarkson designed. It was replaced again in 1956 and 1965 when segregation was ended nationally. It fell into disrepair until the city of Cleburne purchased it, removed all but the old gym, and built The Booker T Washington Recreation Center.
Public Bathhouse and Pool
(apx same time as the school)
The location of this project remains unknown. Like a few other projects, no one seems to remember the project.
Cleburne Masonic Temple
The building shown has been proved to not be the original building, which sat on the corner next to the building shown. The original building was apparently where the parking lot is now on the corner. The original building apparently caught fire a number of years ago and was a total loss. The Masons apparently moved into the present building which was probably built about the same time frame as the original Masonic Temple was built.
The First Baptist Church in Cleburne
Clarkson lists a job for this church.